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Karakia refers to a form of prayer, incantation, or ritual chant. Karakia is a practice used to invoke spiritual protection or to prepare for important events and ceremonies. Karakia is an important part of Māori customs and traditions. Its purpose can vary, from seeking guidance and expressing gratitude to establishing a connection with the spiritual realm. It has many other uses in different aspects of life as well. For instance, Karakia may be used to welcome the day and to close the day, to guarantee a secure journey, and to handle various types of illnesses. When Christianity was introduced to New Zealand, new karakia were created to acknowledge the Christian God and Jesus Christ. These karakia have been used ever since. It is important to note that Māori karakia cannot be fully translated into English and would usually require a metaphorical interpretation.
Karakia tīmatanga.
Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tihei mauri ora!
Ka marama, ka marama
Tākiri ko te ata
Kōrihi ko te manu
He manu kororī
He manu kororā
Kōrerotia mai nō Tuawhakarere
Nau mai e te ao
Haere rā e te pō
E hī ake ana te atākura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tihei mauri ora!
Āio ki te rangi
Āio ki te whenua
Āio ki ngā mea katoa
Tihei mauri ora!
Tūtawa mai i runga
Tūtawa mai i raro
Tūtawa mai i roto
Tūtawa mai i waho
Kia tau ai
Te mauri tū
Te mauri ora
Ki te katoa
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
*Karakia Karaitiana
He honore he kororia ki te Atua
He maungārongo ki te whenua
He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa
Hanga e te Atua he ngākau hou
Ki roto ki tēnā, ki tēnā o mātou
Karakia mo te kai.
Nau mai e ngā hua
o te wao
o te ngakina
o te wai tai
o te wai Māori
Nā Tane
Nā Rongo
Nā Tangaroa
Nā Maru
Ko Ranginui e tū iho nei
Ko Papatūānuku e takoto nei
Tuturu whakamaua kia tina! Tina!
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
Kua horahia te kai
Nā ngā atua i homai
Tāne Mahuta
Kia ora.
*Karakia Karaitiana
E Ihoa,
Whakapaingia ēnei kai
Hei oranga mo ā mātou tinana
Whāngaia hoki ō mātou wairua
Ki te taro o te ora
Ko Ihu Karaiti to tātou Kaiwhakaora
Ake, ake, ake
Karakia whakakapi.
Kia whakairia te tapu
Kia wātea ai te ara
Kia turuki whakataha ai
Kia turuki whakataha ai
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
Unuhia, Unuhia
Unuhia ki te uru tapu nui
Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana,
te wairua i te ara takatū
Koia rā e Rongo
Whakairia ake ki runga
Kia wātea, ae rā, kua wātea
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
Kia tau ki a tātou katoa
Te atawhai o tō tātou Ariki,
a Ihu Karaiti
Me te aroha o te Atua
Me te whiwhingatahitanga
Ki te wairua tapu
Ake, ake, ake
*Karakia Karaitiana
Opening karakia.
Cease the winds from the west
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air.
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.
Sneeze of life.
The moonlight, oh the moonlight
The dawn is upon us
And the birds are calling
The birds are stirring
The birds of blueish grey skies
Hold the conversations of the distant past
To welcome in the light of day
And farewell the dark night
Sneeze of life.
Peace to the sky
Peace to the land
Peace to everything
Sneeze of life!
Come forth from above
From below
From within
From the environment
Vitality and well-being
For all
Join, group, and affirm
*Christian Prayer
Honour and glory to God
Peace on Earth
Goodwill to all people
Lord, develop a new heart
Inside all of us
Karakia to bless food.
Welcome the gifts of food
from the sacred forests
from the cultivated gardens
from the sea
from the fresh waters
The food of Tane
of Rongo
of Tangaroa
of Maru
I acknowledge Ranginui who is above me, Papatūānuku who lies beneath me
Let this be my commitment to all!
Draw together! Affirm!
This food has been laid out before us.
Given to us by the atua
Haumietiketike, god of cultivated kai.
Tāne Māhuta, the god of the forest
Rongomātane, god of kumara and peace.
Thank you.
*Christian Prayer
Dear God,
Bless this good food
May it nourish our bodies
and feed our spirits
with the bread of eternal life
Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour
Forever and ever
Closing karakia.
Restrictions are moved aside
So that the pathway is clear
So we may move forward
So we may move forward
Join, group, and affirm!
Take off, withdraw,
Take off the supreme sacredness
To clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of mankind
O Rongo suspend it on high,
Bind it and make it so
Join, group, and affirm
*Christian Prayer
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
And the love of God
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Be with you all
Forever and ever
Reference list:
Karakia - prayers. (n.d.). University of Otago. https://www.otago.ac.nz/maori/world/te-reo-maori/karakia-prayers
Ka marama. (n.d.). https://turanga-tkkmom.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/2/8/12280437/ka_marama_karakia.pdf
Patua Te Taniwha Charitable Trust. (2019, June 20). Āio ki ngā tangata katoa - Peace to all people. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/patuatetaniwha/posts/440701326720792/
Taiuru, K. (2021). CHI Culturally Safe Karakia. University of Otago. https://www.otago.ac.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/244082/karakia-830708.pdf
Karakia. (n.d.). All right? https://legacy.allright.org.nz/tools/whanau/learn-three-simple-prayers/
Karakia. (n.d.). Te Kura o Whakaahu. https://whakaahukids.weebly.com/te-reo/category/karakia
He karakia. (2020). Te Puni Kōkiri: Ministry of Māori Development. https://www.tpk.govt.nz/en/mo-te-puni-kokiri/karakia/he-karakia
Unuhia. (n.d.). Te reo o Taranaki. https://tereootaranaki.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Unuhia.pdf