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Te Reo Māori Classroom Resource for Kaiako Pitomata.


Te Whainga: The Goal

This resource is designed to support kaiako pitomata in acquiring a basic understanding of the significance of learning te reo Māori and understanding te ao Māori. A grasp of te ao Māori is important to establishing an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment in Aotearoa. Learning te reo Māori and understanding Māori cultural practices helps kaiako pitomata in creating positive relationships with ākonga Māori, their whānau, and the wider Māori community. Integrating Māori perspectives into the curriculum and teaching methods enhances the relevance and engagement of education for ākonga Māori. Te Tiriti o Waitangi, a foundational document in New Zealand, necessitates the understanding of its implications in education for future kaiako. By infusing Te Reo Māori and Māori cultural elements into teaching practices, kaiako pitomata contribute to a more inclusive educational experience, benefiting not only ākonga Māori but also fostering an environment that values and respects cultural diversity for all ākonga. 


It is important to note that this resource is intended for beginners and further study of te reo Māori and Māori culture is highly recommended. Furthermore, te reo Māori and Māori cultural practices differ from iwi to iwi, rohe to rohe or place to place. Therefore, it is essential that as a kaiako pitomata, you will know who the mana whenua are from the region you are situated in and seek appropriate cultural advice from them.

(Click here to see a list and map of iwi all around Aotearoa).

Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa.

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What you will find on this website.

Learn about the importance of correct pronunciation of te reo Māori words.

Learn common waiata and appropriate waiata you can sing or teach in a classroom.

Watch videos that explain a brief history of Māori, te tiriti o Waitangi and other important historical dates.

Learn appropriate classroom karakia (Māori prayers or incantaions).

Learn about what tikanga is and the importance of tikanga in te ao Māori.

Learn some appropriate whakataukī that you can use in your classroom.

Learn basic mihimihi structure.

A page where there are links to extra resources to help further your knowledge of te reo and te ao Māori.

Learn some Māori games that you can teach and play in your classroom.

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